USA is entering an age of unlimited supply of carbon based fuels, which coupled with the increased fuel efficiency of modern cars gives Americans freedom to travel at very affordable cost. Whats is not affordable is the cost of homes in most of US largest cities, generously encouraged by the DC elite enticing rich foreigners to come back and bid up real property out of the reach of millions of mostly young Americans, who courtesy of Obama & Unified Party USA have been loaded with $60,000 of debt per person. In fact, the Unified Party USA is de-facto importing a "new middle class", a subset of the "World Middle Class" created by the multinational hoodlum friends of the DC elite at cost of 18.3 Trillions of dollars and charged to US National account, obediently executed by the Federal Reserve, a foreign entity answerable to no one. So US youth are facing a frightful intersection: 1. Live in the deeply polluted, drug infested, crime ridden ghettoes of major US cities as a serf of the "New US Elite" of Unified Party USA or 2. Remember where your proud ancestors came from and flee the slavery of the New World Disorder cities, returning to the prairies, valleys and mountains of America, start anew without an I-phone but full with expectation and dignity. There is a big problem with the latter choice: The new madness of fracking for oil and gas is literally poisoning inner America, so choose wisely.


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