Merkel in a burka

Say it, just have the guts to say it! Germany is converting to Islam, which is not a bad thing at all, considering how many millions were killed in Europe under the cover of Christianity. The new country will be known as the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany, following the footsteps of fellow Islamic Sheikdoms of France and Britain. Bad joke you say? Not at all, since the new countries will have the guts to throw Soros and his conspirators out, get rid of the crap that has been pushed on people as "our way of life" like drugs, porn and alike. The only thing is that from time to time there may be few hangings or executions, but hey, no one is perfect. Just try to imagine Merkel in a burka, sporting a Hitler mustache and pair of black booths recently recovered from the Nazi train in Poland. The train by the way can be parked on the border so Angela can greet the new migrants flowing from the Middle East.


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