The Central Banks vs the Market place

Why has the real economy been so slow and markets so volatile? The consumers repaid high interest loans earning five or more times the returns of high grade bonds, then the zero interest money pumped by Yellen went into the stock market and very few Obama lap dogs, instead in the real economy to build capital goods and create jobs. In addition, the millions of illegals Obama has been sheltering from deportation have been a major source of deflationary pressure on wages and earnings in the US. If deported as envisioned by Chief Trump, the real inflation rate will at least quadruple to the historical secular trend of 10% per year.One ounce of gold sold for $50 in 1970, and sells for $1150 now, indicating inflation of (1150-50)/45 or 24.5%.MCD hamburger, fries and a coke were selling then for 60 cents, and now for $6.00, inflation rate of 6-0.6/45 or 12%. Hence Yellen's zero interest internal financing is noting but a highway robbery and disaster waiting to happen.


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