The end of Holder's "social justice" experiment

The Justice Department told its staff to start indicting those committing crimes, a departure from so called "Holder memo" that let Wall Street executive of the hook for crimes during the 2008 financial meltdown despite documentary evidence of fraud, and major corporations with a pinch on the cheek instead of a booth in the rear and then straight to prison.In return for his indiscretions, Holder joined Covington & Burling, a major bank defense firm. Holders memo created the “collateral consequences” policy, arguing that criminal cases against large companies should be proportional to the hurt they cause to their victims. Hence Holder's Justice Department went after cases where victory was absolutely assured,letting the big sharks out of the net. All and all, it is an appalling story of cronyism, deception and treachery at the highest levels of our Government that almost surely guarantees a worse replay of crashes we have witnessed so far, plus accrued interest.


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