Trumps or Bums

While everyone in US is expecting the next disgusting phase of the GOP so called 2nd debate to unravel in a flood of insults, false accusations and outright lies, subtle and extremely dangerous cross currents are lurking under the surface. No one except Trump has ever mentioned the criminal scheme of the Federal Reserve to explode the money supply that had caused world wide currency wars and devaluations. The Forex reserves of China, SaudiArabia, Russia and others fell 200 Bill. pressuring US dollar and inching interest rates higher, despite of Yellen's reluctance to do the same. With other words, Fed had lost control of the most important tool they have, in a country with 18.5 Trillion dollar debt. Two percentage points jump in US long term rates will increase debt service by 360 billions of dollars to nearly a trillion including deficit, which will tip the balance into defense mode or crash. Meanwhile, the RomRyns and GOP assassins are spewing hatred at Trump, not realizing that with or without him our country is in a choke hold, courtesy of relentless money printing by the Fed.So whether the electorate decides to elect "Look at that face" Fiorina,"My family loves open borders" Bush or even "You are fired" Chief Trump, it really does not matter. The net result will be same, a new Government facing a mountain of debt and adding more by printing money. What then? Trumps or Bums in the White House, Americans have to close their borders and crush the drug cartels induced war, return to the rule of the law, spend only what they can afford and return to time tested traditions of frugality and pragmatism.Else US will be the next Greece or Venezuela amongst many others.


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