The NKVD legacy?

The former KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko died in a London hospital from polonium 210 poisoning, and now a British judge has concluded that two Russian men, possibly undercover operatives of the KGB or the feared Russian military intelligence GRU killed him under the personal orders of Putin. The allegations infuriated the powers to be in Moscow and sharp rebuttal was delivered to the British Government. Still one does not have to dig very deep to unearth a infamous history of brutality in a string of murders using poisons cooked in the secret labs of the KGB and its predecessor the NKVD that took the lives of hundreds if not thousand of  people including dedicated Communists who raised their hand against the iron will of the Party. That a culture of terror is still allowed to exists under the magnificent edifice of Russian cultural accomplishments and tradition is a stain to the honor of the Russian nation.


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