Mr. President, you are not the king: Judge Pirro.

‘You Are Not The King’: Judge Jeanine Destroys Obama’s Reaction To SCOTUS Immigration DecisionFox Nation Wed, Jun 22 10:00 PM PDT

Earlier today, President Obama reacted to the Supreme Court's decision to block his executive amnesty actions. Obama lamented the decision, claiming that "immigration should not scare us". "Immigration will keep us youthful and dynamic". 
"Immigration will keep us poorer and weaker, replied Judge Jeanine Pirro in her rebuttal to the President's remarks. "Mr. President, have you looked at Europe lately? It's a mess!" "This is not a dictatorship. You are not the king. You cannot decide what the laws are and you cannot decide to ignore the laws", said Pirro. "It's about time you respected Americans, respected the law, respected the courts and stopped with this crazy 'I'm the King and I'm gonna let et everybody in and America's gonna look different'." ...(FoxNation)


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