Putin's red telephone

According to recent reports, the corruption in Russia has gotten so bad that FSD, the grand-daughter of the infamous KGB is one of the largest players in the money laundering business as one of its major sources of funding, and to naturally prevent non-professionals from getting the lion's share of the loot. With the massive rout currently in the metal and energy markets, the major sources of income for the Russian Government, and continued FOREX war waged by US on the ruble, one cannot help but wonder how long will it take for the 300 billions of Bank of Russia reserve fund to evaporate and then face the Russians with terrible choice: go back to the Stalin's Gulags or get rid of Putin and put a strong man like Chechen war lord Kadyrov as a leader of one the most violent fascist movement in the world. How a nation that lost 20 million souls in the war with the Nazis can arrive to such a junction and who will be in charge of Putin's red telephone is a mystery, but let's look back to history. The treaty of Versailles gave the Germans a similar choice; lick the glue from the backing of the wall papers, or follow Hitler and die on the Russian front. This is something that the spoon headed DC politicians should carefully consider if they ever have time to think, instead of wasting money or throw mud at each other.


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