Dutch Schultz vs Bugsy Siegel

VP Cheneys says that Obama has surrendered global leadership, which is something incredible for one member of Council of Foreign Relations to say about another member. But it was on Reagan's watch when Cheney and Father Bush unleashed the "supply side" economics and coined what is now known as "The New World Order". Trillions of American business and knowhow were sent overseas, creating the industrial monster China while leveling scores of US cities to ashes and ushering the current debt crisis with their endless tax cuts to the rich. That no one has been ever charged with at least criminal negligence or at most with treason for the incomprehensible damage done the American Homeland is one of the miracles of our democracy. Still Cheney, with his criticism of Obama who certainly has done another round of damage by creating what some have called "The New World Disorder", can be correctly accused to be like Dutch Schultz disapproving the work ethics of Bugsy Siegel.


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