Cacophony in motion, part 2; the sequel

Bill, Barack , Hillary and Spendy Sanders, all sporting an Elvis like, diamonds studded suits must be dancing their lives away at the tune of "Cacophony in motion", while the lunatics of the "Establishment GOP" crowd are throwing chairs, ladders and tables at the dashing "His supporters are racists" Trump and the blunt "American President should swear on a Bibles, not the Koran" Carson MD. That a group of good looking, well dressed, educated and wealthy Americans can lie consistently and without a wink of the eye is astounding, the last victim being GOP "golden girl" Fiorina just caught in fabricating a Planned Parenthood lie. Being on a sure path of losing yet another election due to an idiotic righteousness and inability to admit making a mistake is approaching the boundary of acute danger for a country deeply in debt, and on the way to double that in four years. It is not clear if the majority of Americans are willing to put up with Chief Trump's tough talk in order to get their country back in order. What is abundantly clear is that the wealthy, arrogant and completely irresponsible brain dead supporters of RNC and their CFR Dem's counterparts will do anything to continue the convoluted, criminal and ultimately treacherous but highly profitable trek toward the destruction of this country.


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