Last man standing wrestling match

The ladders, chairs and tables Chief "You are fired" Trump versus Ted "McConnell is a liar" Cruz exploded in intensity and viciousness as allegations flew that Cruz had gotten sweetheart deals from his investment banker wife fat cats Wall Street hoodlum friends at exceptionally favorable terms and then failed to disclose them on his financial forms; i.e. Cruz is an undercover agent of Goldman Sachs. It did not take long for feathers to start flying. 
 "Here is a guy with all these senators, not one endorsement of Cruz because he is a nasty guy, nobody likes him. You can't run a country like that, will be a total mess, it will be worst gridlock than you have now. I think is more important in this whole fact that he is a Canadian citizen, he was until 15 months ago. There are many lawyers coming out, top constitutional lawyers, saying that Ted Cruz can't run for president because he was born in Canada. I think it has huge effect."
Cruz replied that Trump had the right to call him an anchor baby if he wants to. 
"He is a liar,"Trump continued. "He did not even put down on his financial disclosure forms that he borrowed loans from banks, lower than you can get, lower than anybody could get. He got these favorable loans from banks on Wall Street and never put it down on his financial disclosure forms."
Cruz retaliated by saying that Trump avoided the debate because did not want his record challenged that he is for socialized medicine like Sanders and wants to put the Government in charge of health care. 
"He is a total liar, I am so against Obama care, have saying it for two years in my speeches, I am going to repeal and remove Obamacare," Trump re-iterated in conclusion.


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