Market Report/1/25/16/stop 16,000, gain(0), CG(3666),11/20/15

DJI futures -23, market penetrated stop at 16,000 and collapsed back to 15885 support level, 5 out of 7 DJI partial stochastics down, China threatened yuan speculators by intervening into the offshore yuan crushing the shorts, USD/CHF and /GC moving up in the same direction, a contradiction, 7 out of  7 partial gold stochastics up, 5 out of 7 USD/CHF partial stochastics also up. If the market breaks below 15,500 and penetrate on close the 3rd quartile at 15,370, then we have  reason to believe that Obama rats are jumping ship and Trump and his conservative hordes are surrounding the traitors of the Council of Foreign Relations, and soon mutton heads will be on the walls of Trump Tower in NY at the end of a pike. Watch the stops at 15,500, and 15370.........Disclaimer: Investing in the stock market involves risk of loss. The market commentary provided by is for entertainment purpose only, and it is not to be construed as suggestion or investment advice to buy or sell securities. Always consult a registered investment professional or broker before committing money to any stock or option instrument. is not responsible for any direct or consequential losses incurred in violation of this disclaimer. Read all SEC rules and regulations before making investment decisions.


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