Ziban must die

Today the Austrians by a small margin elected a President true to the New World Disorder, a decision leaving the country in the way of an open invasions by millions of migrants, many of whom are clearly infatuated with the IS.
In July, the Brits may also decide to stay in the EU by a small margin, transforming the country into the Islamic Sheikdom of Formerly Great Britain, under the inept leadership of Grand Ayatollah David Cameron, a man who hid his personal fortune in Panama and let the people pay billions for support of the Continental invasion.
In November, the American people will decide (again probably by a small margin) if they want to be part of the New World Disorder, a phenomenon clearly nurtured from outside forces in violation of the Constitution and rule of law. What if the Western World comes into the despotism of the ruling elites, destroying centuries of traditions and National accomplishments? Will there be a pushback against this march toward Planetary Government?

"Ziban Must Die" has some chilling answers.

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